Engineering miniMOOC: Museum sources for teaching engineering
Topic outline
Please self-create an account if you want to post something - we would appreciate any comments of suggestions or questions (just note that project ended in August 2022 and it may take time for us to respond).
The goal in this part is to introduce the MiniMOOC to the participants with a general introduction to the course and a launching activity.
Scenario: Imagine an accident on the moon. The aim is to find the essential equipment to reach the mother rocket, by classifying 15 objects in order of importance. The exercise is done individually and then in groups. The different rankings are then compared
Evaluation forms are provided in each part. They can be used during the course or in the end of the MOOC, in order to evaluate the students, depending on each teacher's organisation.
Accessible for downloading :
- the slideshow to animate this lesson in .ppt
- the students sheet in pdf and in .doc
- the evaluation sheet in pdf and in .doc
Only registered users can provide feedback, so if you would like to provide it, please create an account in the login page (top right of the page)
Goal: the students have to explore the theme, test some scenarios, collect some data and answer some questions in order to prepare a journey to the Moon and to survive on the Moon.
Scenario 1: understanding that the success of the Apollo 11 mission to the Moon – and the safety of the astronauts – was based on engineering, ingenuity and technology.
Scenario 2: understanding what are the technological and engineering challenges to survive the journey.
Evaluation forms are provided in each part. They can be used during the course or in the end of the MOOC, in order to evaluate the students, depending on each teacher's organisation.
You can download :
- the slideshow to animate this lesson
- the students sheet in pdf and in .doc if you want to modify it
- examples of diagrams made by students
- the evaluation sheet in pdf and in .doc if you want to modify it
Only registered users can provide feedback, so if you would like to provide it, please create an account in the login page (top right of the page)
Goal : In this part, students will learn more about the different scenarios and theories that have been studied by scientists and engineers to allow some men to travel to the Moon and to stay there.
Students will analyse some data and will have to explain them using different ways of communication.
Scenario : explore the extreme environment of space and understand how astronauts could live on the Moon.
Evaluation forms are provided in each part. They can be used during the course or in the end of the MOOC, in order to evaluate the students, depending on each teacher's organisation.
You can download :
- the slideshow to animate this lesson in .pptx
- the students sheet in pdf and in .doc if you want to modify it
- the evaluation sheet in pdf and in .doc if you want to modify it
Only registered users can provide feedback, so if you would like to provide it, please create an account in the login page (top right of the page)
In this part, you will find some additional literature in order to develop more knowledge and skills connected to the course.
More advanced students will be able to fill some tasks for deeper learning.
This part of the MOOC is also about scientific generalisation about space conquest.
Evaluation forms are provided in each part. They can be used during the course or in the end of the MOOC, in order to evaluate the students, depending on each teacher's organisation.
You can download :
- the slideshow to animate this lesson in .pptx
- the students sheet in pdf and in .doc if you want to modify it
- examples of mooncamp design made by students
- the evaluation sheet in pdf and in .doc if you want to modify it
Only registered users can provide feedback, so if you would like to provide it, please create an account in the login page (top right of the page)
Evaluation in this miniMOOC is included in each part as it is recommended to evaluate knowledge and success of each part when it is finished. Thus look for the resources for evaluation in parts 1-4
In this part, teachers can find some materials uploaded by the partners who were developing this miniMOOC.
In this document, you will find :
- a presentation of the main objectives and skills that will be developped by the students
- how to use this miniMOOC as a school or a museum
- a detailed presentation of each part
Vous trouverez ici la présentation des scénarios des mini-Moocs traduits en Français, afin d'aider les utilisateurs et professeurs de langue française à choisir leurs cours et à comprendre les sujets traités. Attention : les scénarios des mini MOOCS complets sont en anglais.
You will find here the presentation of all of the Mini MOOCS scenarios translated in French, in order to help the French speaking teachers and users to select their courses and to understand the topics. Warning : the Mini MOOCS complete scenarios are in English.